Numero di cifre visualizzate :
Alimentazione :
Solare, Batterie
Funzioni calcolatrice :
Advanced % calculation, mark-up calculation via % key: calculation of sales price, given certain profit % demand, tax calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, display of tax amount, tax rate programmable, currency conversion, 3 rates programmable, square root calculation, rounding (5/4, or cut) to 0/1/2/3/4 fixed decimals, Grand Total sum memory, summarizing 4-key memory, held after auto-off, +/- algebraic sign change, constant calculation, input buffer memory (key rollover), add-2-input mode: drops decimal point typing, algebraic notation (infix notation), auto power off
Pulsanti e chiavi :
00, +/-, %, M+, M-, MR, MC, TAX+, TAX-, M/EX, GT, backspace, CLEAR (last value), CLEAR ALL
Alimentazione a batteria :
1 CR2032
Conversione valuta (Euro) :
Tipologia di schermo :