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How do I search for a product?

Simple. You can do this in several ways:

Step 1: If you know the Lyreco's product reference or manufacturer's part number, type it into 'Search or Add to cart quickly' field by top of the page. You'll be displayed with a quick add to cart panel. Click the basket icon to quickly add the proposed item to the cart, if you require more information about the item click on the product description to access the product details page.

Don't know all of the product reference? No problem. Type in what you do know and our search should find what you need. You can also search with one or more keywords, or a brand's name.
The search result page has been designed to simplify the selection for products. You are now able to filter the search on multiple criteria and show up the product in different views from lists of products to image views.

Step 2: Once you've found what you want, click and you'll go to the product page. You'll see a photo of the product, along with information such as specification, price, large product picture, etc.

Please Note Not all product pages have all of these elements.

Step 3: Once you're satisfied, click on the shopping cart icon to add the product to the basket.

Where can I find more information about Lyreco?

Visit our corporate website, discover the news and get inspired by our experts: https://lyreco.com/group/ce/en

How does Lyreco use my personal data?

We process personal data as part of the delivery of our services to customers in accordance with the applicable regulations on the processing of personal data of the data subjects.

More information on the processing of personal data can be found at: https://www.lyreco.com/webshop/ENSK/personalData/view.

Complaint procedure

If there is a problem with your package or goods, we will solve it together. >>

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