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Intenso External HD Memory Case, 2.5", Portable, 1 TB, black

Ref: 8.734.214

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The high-gloss Memory Case offers much disc space and ensures the highest data transmission rates with its USB 3.0 port. The hard
drive is exceptionally suited for storing your private data and can be taken along anywhere due to its low weight. For all those,
who want to have the fastest data transfer: the Memory Case can achieve 10 times higher data transmission rates with its USB 3.0
interface than hard drives with a USB 2.0 port. The hard drive reaches a reading speed of up to 85 MB per second and a writing
speed of up to 75 MB per second. The full capacity of the Memory Case can only be exploited if connected to hardware capable of
USB 3.0. Thanks to its small format with the dimensions 127 x 78 x 14 mm the hard drive can be stowed away easily and therefore
taken anywhere. The hard drive receives power through the delivered USB cable, so that no connection to an external power supply is
> Garanzia 2 anni
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